Winter Lawn — Residential Lawn Care Reno & Sparks | Cory’s Lawn Service

Winter Lawn

Reno Lawn Care Tip's for Dry Winter

Key Takeaways

Reno's winter lawn care involves:
  • Watering Practices: Water during temperatures above 50°F and before 3pm to allow for proper drainage.
  • Hose Management: Fully drain hoses and store them correctly after use.
  • Grass Care: Implement two twenty-minute soakings for grass, with a pause in between for absorption.
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For anyone that has lived in Reno longer than a year, it is obvious that we are going through an extremely dry winter. In fact according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOA), Reno is experience one of the top 5 driest winters on record books. So what does this mean for your plants, trees, and grass? Well just because it is winter does not mean we should not stop watering. Most winters in Nevada we can count on the rain and snow to normally take care of the recommended one inch of monthly precipitation that is vital to vegetation, but so far we have not been able to count on it this year. Have you been freaking out because you look out the front window to see your "on top of everything" neighbor activating his sprinkler system a few times a week to water his plants? Well it should be a concern that your plants and trees are not getting the water they need but I would no go as far as activating your system in February while we are still having freezing temperatures nightly. KTVN did a recent interview with Steven Fine from, "Reno Lawn and Landscape" about the issues with the dry weather (below).

Although I believe it is helpful information, this is something that can be done by a home owner and does not require the special attention from a professional as long as you keep to a few guidelines. Here are a few things you should and should not do to help your plants, trees, and grass throughout the rest of winter while we continue our dry spell.


  • Water during temperatures above 50 degree Fahrenheit

  • Water before 3pm to give time to drain.

  • Completely drain your hoses and store them properly.

  • For Grass: Two twenty minute soakings with time in between to soak.


  • Water while the ground is frozen.

  • Water later in the evening.

  • Activate sprinkler system, unless really familiar with winterizing the system right after.